here we go

New year, new start.

Technically it’s neither a new calendar year or a new school year, as we’re about a month and a half into classes, but I decided to carpe some diem and revamp my blog for my final year at Carolina.

What will I write in it? A mix of things.

My life. Bucket lists, photos of cool places I’ve gone or things I’ve done, life updates, things I’ve made, funny things my friends or strangers around me have said or done.

My work. Videos I’ve made for classes or internships, writing that I’ve done, research results that I’ve found interesting, campaigns that I’ve helped run, basically anything that I’ve done for professional reasons that I’m really proud of.

My interests. These are pretty varied and will probably include a lot of pop culture, exciting new media or technology news, creative ad or PR campaigns, viral videos, photos that will make you laugh or cry.

My world. I like to keep up with the news so I can know what’s going on around me, whether that’s in the journalism school, at UNC, in Chapel Hill, in North Carolina, in the United States or in the world in general.


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