100 happy days

I know, I know, it’s the biggest trend to hit social media this year and everyone’s sick of seeing that #100happydays hashtag. Because I’m independent (stubborn) and don’t like to do something if everyone else is doing it, I let the first big wave of 100 Happy Days popularity pass me by. Now, however, I’m jumping in.

Last year I read a book called The Happiness Project. While you may look at the title of that book or at 100 Happy Days and think that it’s shallow or self-centered to do something that focuses so much on how you feel, I really enjoyed The Happiness Project because I found that how the author ultimately defined happiness was actually noticing all the wonderful things that were already in her life and maximizing those feelings of happiness not just for herself, but for everyone around her.

That’s what I like about 100 Happy Days too – it’s not about making yourself more happy, but noticing the things that are already in your life that make you happy, whether that’s opportunities, people, places, memories or even food (because who can resist Instagramming that particularly delicious-looking brunch.)

So that’s going to be my next challenge: noticing something that makes me happy for the next 100 days. Chances are pretty high that my life will change a lot over the next 100 days and I have no idea where I’ll be at the end of it (though I’m hoping employed and still in New York.) Regardless, I’m going to try to stick to the challenge.

Want to follow along? I made a Tumblr just for this project so I can keep it all organized. Check out www.lauren100happydays.tumblr.com!

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